4 Tips To Get A Great Cut For Your Wavy Hair

It can be a frustrating experience to see a haircut that you like but come away from the salon with less-than-perfect results. If you have wavy hair, it may be hard to find a style that has volume and that enhances your natural curls. If you are looking to get a new haircut for your wavy hair, keep these four tips in mind.

1. Narrow Down Your Curl Index Number

In the haircare industry, stylists have narrowed down curl types and classified them into three categories: type 2 (wavy), type 3 (curly), and type 4 (coily). Within those types, there are subtypes from the least wavy to the tightest coil. For instance, within type 2 there are 2a, 2b, and 2c, with 2c being the waviest. It's a good idea to narrow down your type because once you have your curl index number, you can easily search for products and hairstyles that have worked for other people in that category.

2. Get a Consultation Appointment

If you've had a bad haircut in the past, you may want to try a consultation appointment first so that you don't feel rushed and you can discuss your goals with the stylist. A stylist can help you narrow down your curl index number. To prevent any miscommunication about what type of cut you want, it's a good idea to bring along a reference photo of a hairstyle that you like.   

3. Consider Your Face Shape

Besides narrowing down your curl index, consider the shape of your face when choosing a cut. One cut may look good on someone with a heart-shaped face but not on someone with more of a square shape. For instance, if you have a square shape, then cuts that are shoulder length tend to work well because the waves can soften the jawline and cheekbones.

4. Invest in the Right Products to Maintain the Style

Some people may be happy with their haircut initially but then find that it's unmanageable after they leave the salon. Consider how much upkeep a hairstyle will require before committing to a cut; the products and at-home routine you follow can make or break your haircut. It's a good idea to follow your stylist's recommendations regarding products and styling tools since wavy hair can easily become frizzy and develop split ends. You should use a heat protectant whenever using styling tools. If you want to use mousses or foams, then try to opt for lighter ingredients as creamy or oil-based products can weigh down wavy locks and reduce volume. Instead of dry brushing your hair, use a wide-tooth comb and leave-in conditioner so that you can remove knots without breaking natural curls.

Reach out to a haircut service provider in your area today for more tips.

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Taking Your Style To The Next Level

Have you ever wondered what you could do to give your style an edge? Although you might assume that better clothes or a nicer watch is the trick to a little more interest, the fact of the matter is that taking care of your skin and hair is a better option. However, if you are a guy, it isn't always easy to know where to start. My blog focuses on making personal hygiene easier for guys, so that you don't have to enlist the help of a female friend or a beauty guru. After you know how to care for your body, the rest will come naturally.